Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Goals for a New Year..

Ok- so rarely do I have New year's resolutions (partly because I never keep them, and partly because deep down I’m pretty sure I’m already awesome) but this year I do have some things in my life I’d like to work on, I haven’t been sure if I wanted to post them , cause despite my general awesome-ness there is a good chance I might not get there, BUT I figured if I wrote them down and let you all read them I might be shamed into sticking it out…

so (Deep breath) here it goes….

1. Make healthier choices. Eat more fruits and veggies and less (hopefully a lot less) processed, out of the box foods.

2. Run a 5k. In the interest of full disclosure I already started working on this one a few months ago and am pretty close to looking for a race. NOW before you think I’ve flipped a lid, I don’t care in the least what my time is, I just want to run the whole thing without dropping dead. Not to lose weight, but just to get back into exercising and feeling better.

3. DO things, not THINK about doing things. I am terrible about this one. I have so many things I want to do or try and for some reason I get all in my head and talk myself out of them for fear of failure or embarrassment or whatever. I hate this about myself, and I can already see my little Laney girl doing the same, holding back, watching. So I’m going to set the example (or try) and get out there and do the things I’ve only been “thinking about”. Because, really, when you’re this awesome you can take a little failure ? :)

** Side note- before you think I’ve completely lost my mind and will now be running every morning and jumping out of airplanes, trust me I won’t. I’m talking about things like going to my neighbors and asking her to come over for coffee so we can get to know each other (btw that didn’t exactly go as planned) - so don’t expect wild and craziness!

Here’s hoping…

Anyone else want to post their goals so I feel less like a dork??


Natalie said...

You can do it Amy!!! But I think you should try for a longer race :) 1/2 (13.1 miles) Marathon in CDA at the end of May! Or Bloomsday 10K (6.2 miles) in Spokane at the beginning of May...just ideas :) But good luck! :)

The Gill Family said...

I ran 3 5k's before i expanded my horizons to longer distances. I think those are awsome goals. I absolutely talk myself out of things too. My new years goal, aside from lose weight and get more confident (which is every year) is to wear makeup more often. Kyle couldn't care less but it makes me feel better.

Candace Wegner said...

Kellan and I made a joint New Year's resolution. In the process of building the house, he will try to be patient with my ability or lack there of to make a decision. And I will try to be patient with him with his lack of patience with me. Pretty sure we will break these!

Deborah Austin said...

Love it I think I'll post one like this of my own. It was inspiring. You're a great person don't forget it!