Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Chicken Coop

After several weekends of work, the chicken coop is finally complete! My sweet husband spent a ton of time building this coop, and I love it!

We also spent quite a bit of time painting the coop this last week- good thing we had some good “helpers”…



I definitely think the dogs and kids got more paint on them than I managed to get on the coop!

Here’s a little photo-tour of the chickens new digs… This opens up to the nesting boxes (where we’ll hopefully be collecting eggs someday)


The second the last shingle went on I evicted my little flock from the garage. There had been far too much free ranging going on for my taste so I’m glad to have them in their house rather than mine!

They have to spend 4-5 days shut up in the coop in the hopes that they will learn to go “home” at night. The kids are missing them and run out there to check on them first thing each morning.




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