We had another busy Easter at the Wieselers- it seems like Delaney’s finally at the age where every holiday is more fun than the one before. I love how excited she gets about the Easter Bunny and playing with her cousins!
Saturday we had the Wieseler’s over to our house to decorate eggs and hunt- I am so grateful the my kids have their cousins so close both in location and age- it makes things so much more fun!

Decorating eggs

Hunting eggs- and Delaney holding her newest cousin Kayl.
Then on Sunday we headed out to the farm to celebrate with my side of the family.

This year I was able to find Laney and her bitty baby matching dresses (delaney was thrilled- not sure how baby felt about it). so here she is feeding her bitty baby before we left, so sweet!

These are the best pictures I could get of my kiddos before we left- they didn’t really want to humor me and pose for pictures. Colton has decided that he LOVES anything silky and now carries a snuggly everywhere- it’s pretty cute!

And then we hunted for MORE candy and eggs at my mom and dads- without my knowing Laney must have packed these slippers to take to Grammies and before I knew it she had taken off her cute sandals and replaced them with her comfy slippers!